YEAR: 2021
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Convo's is an app which I prototyped during my final year at university. It has been designed to help improve the visibility of black and minority creatives. My project shows that I am able to uses my knowledge of racial and cultural issues to create outcomes that speak for themselves. It also shows that I am able to use design to aid the voices of my target audience, without feeling like my work necessarily has to speak for them.
See features below:
CNVO’S is a podcast that enables people in the creative industry to come together and share their experiences on different topics to do with being a creative P.O.C . This particular series is based on the experiences of being black and attending art/design school. The aim of this podcast is to draw attention to the lack of diversity and poor representation of BAME creatives within each of our courses. My intention for this project is that through having these conversations, we are able to shed light on the matter and create awareness by touching on some key issues, as well as sharing some of our perceptions, emotions, thoughts and feelings.
The podcast was formed by me conducting a series of interviews, asking a number of relevant questions to 10 creatives of colour, from various art and design schools across the uk. The answers I received were then compiled into categorised bites of audio and presented in the form of a podcast on sound cloud. Through listening you are able to compare the stories of each creative. The podcast reveals the cracks in the in the institutions and highlights the things that need to be changed in order to give p.o.c like me a sense of belonging at creative universities.

The directory: as with most directories, the convos directory has been created to give exposure to all of its registered members. When making a profile your are instructed to give details which directly relate to your practice. The details provided are added to our data base which sorts the creatives into different categories based on their profession. Each person using the app is also directly searchable by name which will allow them to be reached by employers.
Convos chat : The convos chat has been designed to help improve the communication between creatives of colour. It is a safe space that allows people to discuss their thoughts, feelings and concerns. Everyday the chat will feature a new conversation stater which will hope will keep the chat going and will encourage others to talk. The idea for the chat was heavily inspired by my group chat on Instagram, which is what enabled me to create the podcast. I have also included a voice recording function which enables selected responses to be recorded and used as a way of forming  the next episode of the podcast.
News feed: the idea for the news feed was inspired by the daily news updates we receive on the Google app. But this news feed has a twist. Ever since the devastating murder of George floyd, social media has been flooded with online protest in order to raise further awareness around police brutality, and rightfully so. Although this is having a positive impact on the world, being exposed to black people being murdered everyday is having a negative impact on the the black community as a whole. It is vary rare that we are able to hear news that is positive surrounding our culture and the people from it. The Black news feed intends to fix this issue and provides articles based on positive news relating directly to creatives of colour.
The inspo feed: the inspo feed works similarly to Instagram and many other social media platforms but is black oriented. When you join the convos app you’re are able to create a profile which enables your to share your work within the community of fellow black creatives. The aim for the feed it to provide inspiration to all member using the app. The feed provides a platform for people to share and discuss each other’s work, further increasing their visibility.

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